Weather forecast

Temperature: 26°C, Max 28°C
Feels like: 26°C
Humidity: 72
Wind Speed: 4.72 m/s
Conditions: Light rain
-29.856874969740407, 30.71954976789103
Engen Polo Pony
Members: R50.00
(Per Vehicle)
Non-members: R100.00 (Per Vehicle)
KZN Jeep Club Takes on Shongweni Waterfall – in Reverse!
Join us as we return to the Shongweni Waterfall Trail, but this time, we’re tackling it in reverse!
📍 Meeting Point: Engen Polo Pony
🕗 Time: 08:00 AM
From there, we’ll convoy to the trail’s starting point and take on a mix of rocks, river crossings, and sandy sections—with bypasses available for the more technical obstacles.
🔹 What to Bring: Snacks and drinks for the drive.
🍻 Post-Trail Meetup: Wrap up the adventure at Stokers Arms (own cost) for those keen to join.
See you on the trail!
#KZNjeepers #JeepAdventure #jeepclubsa

Warwick Despy

Vinesh Parag

Johan Fourie

Mark Koch
Michael Oram
Gavin K. Moodley

Roland Gerhard

Wally Fobian

Gary Borchard